
our services

Tier 1: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Screening & Diagnosis

This option is best for women and girls who simply need to know if they have a diagnosis of ADHD. This is typically most effective for those seeking medication management with a provider who wishes to collaborate with a psychologist to determine a diagnosis. This process can be completed online and includes a clinical interview, online assessment forms, collateral forms, and a feedback session. No further diagnoses or recommendations will be made. $600


Tier 2: Comprehensive ADHD Assessment & Testing

Our most popular option! This comprehensive assessment for ADHD will allow women and girls the opportunity to learn about their cognitive strengths and weaknesses, their neurocognitive abilities, and their socioemotional functioning. Through this testing, ADHD diagnosis as well as other behavioral health diagnoses will be determined. This option includes consults with your medical provider, your mental health provider, and any other healthcare professional necessary. This option also includes a comprehensive diagnostic profile, documentation to support accommodations (if needed), and a set of recommendations tailored to your unique diagnosis. Hybrid online or fully in-person appointments available. $2500

Tier 3: ADHD and Ability

This option entails all features of the Comprehensive ADHD assessment as well as additional assessments to determine academic or executive functioning ability. This level of assessment is best for women and girls who have questions about their ability to function in an academic or work environment or who may meet criteria for a learning disability or an executive functioning disability. Hybrid online or fully in-person appointments available. $2500

Psychoeducational Assessment

Pyschoeducational assessment is a good choice for families hoping to explore information about their child's academic strengths and weaknesses. Individuals undergoing psychoeducational assessment will learn if they meet criteria for specific barriers to academic success such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dygraphia. Students with such a diagnoses are frequently able to ask schools for accommodations such as additional classroom support, individualized educational plans, or additional time for exams and others. Recommendations for accommodations as well as a consult with the child's other healthcare providers are included.   $3000


Our clinicians use the NeurOptimal® neuorfeedback system from the Zengar Institute for brief "brain training" sessions. Neurofeedback is non-invasive, even fun, way to subtly influence our brain activity away from the pre-established patterns that contribute to our current dissatisfactions whether its in our thoughts, sleep, mood or our relationships.  $125 for a single session for a package of 6 for $650

Other Services

Please inquire for pre-adoption, pre-employment, or pre-bariatric evaluations.